What personally identifiable information does maiwest.com collect?
In various places on our website, we gather email addresses and other basic contact information for the purpose of allowing people to subscribe to maiwest.com newsletter. We also gather contact information from individuals who send us an e-mail through our contact form for the purpose to answer it.
Our website may set “cookies” for the purpose of collecting aggregate statistics about the total number of visitors to our website. We do not store any personally identifiable information in cookies.
Some of our online publications use coded hyperlinks to identify and track personally identifiable information about individuals’ interactions with our website.
How does maiwest.com use personally identifiable information?
Maiwest.com partners with third-party service providers to host our website and other online publications. Third-party service providers are not permitted to use or share any personally identifiable information that we provide to them. Maiwest.com does not share any of the personally identifiable information we collect with other outside parties, unless we have received your specific permission to do so.
Like most website operators, our web servers create log files. These track data on Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and number of clicks to enable us to administer the site, analyze trends, track user movement in the aggregate, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. Server log files do not contain personally identifiable information.
How does maiwest.com protect personally identifiable information?
Maiwest.com takes every precaution to protect our users’ information. When users submit sensitive information via the website, their information is protected both online and off-line.
What choices do I have in interacting with maiwest.com?
You can opt out of receiving communications from us. You may request access to personally identifiable information we collect about you through our electronic communications and you may request corrections to that information. For any of these requests or for more information about our privacy policies and practices, please contact us using our email form .